Neoclassical artist. Using traditional methods to create paintings with a modern sensibility.
Oil Paintings.
Oil is one of the most traditional of painting mediums, developed during the early Northen European Renaissance. These paintings glow with inner fire and endure for centuries, if constructed well. I use the working methods taught in historical and contemporary ateliers and each starts with a hand gessoed wood panel or canvas covered in a toning layer, or imprimatura, of brilliant color. The closed grisaille, a monotone underpainting, follows and then layers of clear glaze bring depth and life to the work. Each painting is composed of anywhere from ten to twenty separate layers, a meditative labor of love designed to last a lifetime.
Watercolor Paintings.
Watercolor is about the water. It guides the paint across the surface of the paper and insists upon a certain serendipity. I use high quality Italian paper and work with a palette of transparent colors. Each compostion starts with a careful drawing and is built up one clear layer after another, until the darks are velvet deep and the lights, by contrast, minic the luminescence of sunshine.
New Work
Art is restoration: the idea is to repair the damages that are inflicted in life, to make something that is fragmented into something whole.